About the course
Detect – Respond – Exploit. In the face of rapid change learn how to create and lead an agile organisation and teams to exploit new opportunities.
While we use terms like ‘agility’, ‘resilience’, and ‘innovation’, very few have the skills or wherewithal to make these ideas real. “Most leaders end up relying on their natural capabilities when operating in complex and uncertain situations. This might work for a while; but simply having intuition, intellect and charisma is no longer good enough to weather the storm.” Dave Snowden, Founder, Cognitive Edge.
Detect-Respond-Exploit. Learn how to embrace complexity and create a strategic advantage in a fast-changing, volatile and uncertain business environment. In the face of rapid change learn how to create and lead agile organisations and teams and how to overcome the barriers to achieving agility.
Be able to create a systematic approach to early detection, fast response and successful exploitation of opportunities.
- Distinguish between challenges that are obvious, complicated, complex, and chaotic – and determine how to plan and lead appropriately within these.
- Stimulate innovation, build social networks, and engage stakeholders in more effective knowledge exchange.
- Set meaningful goals, clear measures and timely KPI’s
- Develop and lead dynamic, self-motivated teams focussed on outcomes
- Implement sustainable change, and overcome barriers to agility.
Topics covered
- Cynefin framework for management decision making
- Managing and leading within a complex environment
- Goal setting and KPI’s within uncertain and complex environments
- Increasing strategic sensitivity
- Planning to achieve agility
- Leading an agile organisation
At the end of this two day course, participants will have a strategic plan outline for creating and leading an agile organisation.
Who should attend
- Senior Executives of organisations that want to become agile and resilient in the face of rapid change
- Leaders of organisations that operate in a complex or rapidly changing environment
- Managers who need to plan for complex situations
Learning outcomes
You will:
- Understand the theory that underpins the concept of strategic agility
- Learn how to create and lead agile organisations
- Learn how to recognise and overcome the barriers to achieving agility
- Have an outline strategic plan for creating and leading an agile organisation
Your organisation will:
- Have the ability to develop a plan for achieving strategic agility
- Overcome the constraints to operating in an agile manner
- Be able to create a systematic approach to early detection, fast response and successful exploitation of opportunity.
- Ability to initiate real organisational change